Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy-Parti Szőrme Ltd.


Why did we make this infomative?

This Privacy Policy describes the Parti Szőrme Ltd. policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You use the Service and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. We use Your Personal data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, You agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Who use your privacy datas?

Your privacy datas are used by the Parti Szőrme Ltd.


Address: 5440,Kunszentmárton, Vörösmarty utca 2,Hungary




Interpretation and Definitions:

1.       The datas used through the website

The target of the data managment:

·         to provide the proper use of the website

·         controlling and reparation of the quality of services

·         the indentification of the despiteful,attacker visitors of our website

·         measuringof the visitors

·         statistic target

           The argument of the data managment:

           Under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), You can be referred to as the Data Subject or as the User as you are the individual using the Service. GDPR 6.(1)a)

      Treated datas:

·         IP address

·         visiting time

·         the visited underpages datas

·         the operation system and browser used by You

The term of the data managment:

1 month

Treated people

The visitors of the website

2.       The treated datas after the registration

The target of the data managment:

·         registration on the website

·         giving more completele experience for the visitors

·         giving information about downtime,changing our availability

           The argument of the data managment:

           Under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), You can be referred to as the Data Subject or as the User as you are the individual using the Service. GDPR 6.(1)a)

 Treated datas:

·         first name and last name

·         birthday( to prove the 16th or 18th)

·         e-mail address

The term of the data managment:

till the register cancellation,furthermore the permission cancellation

Touched people:

the registers of the website

3.       The data managment during tusing the website services

the target of the data managment:

·         using the website services

·         handling and fulfillment of the ordered products

            The argument of the data managment:

           Under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), You can be referred to as the Data Subject or as the User as you are the individual using the Service. GDPR 6.(1)c)

 Treated datas:

·         fullname,phone number,e-mail address

·         your buying datas(product,quantity,price,date)

The term of data managment:

the saving term of the contract datas is 5 years

Toeched people:

The orderer and buyer of the website

4.       Treated datas through buying

The target of the data managment:

·         shopping, the invoice and the delivery treating

The argument of the data managment:

Legal obligation (GDPR 6.article(1)c),Eker tv 13/A p.SZá p

Treated datas:

·         payment methods data(term of payment,bankaccount,bank or credit card number, e.wallet, cash on delivery etc.)

·         one-time or keeping sales participation

·         delivery datas: term of the delivery and delivery address

(postcode,city,name and kind of the public place,house number,floor,door)

·         invoice name, nature peson full name

·         your tax number if its necessary to the invoice

·         invoice address(postcode,city, name and kind of the public place,house number,floor,door)

The term of the data managment:

The issued invoice and documents,which based the invoice, must be save for 8 years.

Touched people:

The orderer and buyer of the website

5.       The treated datas through the newsletter sending

The target of the data managment:

·         newsletter sending

·         keeping the contact with the client, giving information about the sales,new products

The argument of the data managment:

The contribution of the touched person GDPR 6.article (1) a)

Treated datas:

·         full name

·         e-mail address

Term of the data managment:

 till newsletter unsubscribing

Touched people:

Newsletter subscribers

6.       Treated datas through competition

Target of the datas managment:

·         competition

·         higher customer satisfaction with the awareness raising and valuable prize selection

The argument of the data managment:

·         assent

·         legal obligation


Treated datas:

·         full name

·         e-mail address

·         phone number

·         address

Term of the data managment:

·         in case of the participations till the end of the game

·         in case of the winners for 8 years

Touched people:

The partcipations of the game

7.Treated datas through complaint handling

Target of the data mamagment:

·         administration,complain

·         giving answer for the comments and complain

The argument of the data managment:

legal obligation


Treated datas:

·         full name

·         e-mail address

·         phone number

·         address

·         other personal messages

Term of the data managment:

for 5 years

Touched people:

declarer,complainant clients

You can withdrawn your permission free at any time and the data controller will cancel your datas.

Giving your personal datas are not mandatory.If you do not give your datas the data controller can not take into account your applicitaion intent.

We ask from our visitor’s personal datas if they would like to buy at our website and if they take part in a periodic competition.

The given datas of the resorted website services we do not connect them and there is not our target to identify  our visitors.

What are the cookies and  how do we use?

We also use cookies so that our website can function properly, and so that our offer is relevant, interesting and user-friendly for you. In order to use cookies, the Internet browser you use needs to support them. Our website works without cookies but to a very limited extent and with the inability to use some basic functions.Cookies are a standard tool for storing information regarding the use of websites.Cookies are small text files that are created automatically when you visit each website and that are stored within the browser you use on your computer, smartphone or other device. Thanks to some cookies, we can link your activities on our website until you close the browser. These cookies are automatically deleted when the browser window is closed.


However, other cookies remain in your browser or device for a set period of time and are reactivated each time you visit our website. In addition to cookies, we also use what are called tracking pixels, which are small images invisible to the average user that are based on a similar principle to cookies. The time for which cookies are left in your browser or device depends on the settings of the cookies themselves and also on the settings of your browser. We store data obtained from cookies for a maximum of one year.

Some cookies, including their content, may collect information which may subsequently be used by third parties and which, for example, directly supports our advertising activities (called “third-party cookies”). For example, information about the products purchased on our website may be displayed by an advertising agency as part of the display and customisation of advertising banners on the websites you view.

About the third party cookie you can read more: about the privacy policy here:


How We DO NOT Use Your Personal Data

However, these cookies are anonymised for third parties and you cannot be identified according to this data. We will never pass on your details including email address or telephone number on to a 3rd party for marketing purposes.

At the best public agencies or occifial bodies will have this datas, when they have the legal basis.


What kind of provider will we have?

The touched people’s data you can see the chrt below.

If we change our dataprocessors,we will be transferred into this information.


Operator of the website:

Aktiv Digital Media Kft

5600 Békéscsaba,Lencsési út 35-37. 8.em46.




 Host provider:

WebHostIcon Tárhely- és Domain Szolgáltató Kft

2097 Pilisborosjenő,Tulipán köz 2.



Transfer Partner:

DPD Hungária Kft

1158 Budapest Késmárk utca 14/B



DHL Express Hungary Forwarding and Services LLC

Building 302 BUD International Airport

Budapest, 1185



Accounting partner:

Kéki&Kéki BT

5440 Kunszentmárton Csongrédi út 68



What kind of principles keep we important through data treatment?

The principles are at the centre of the GDPR; they are the guiding principles of the regulation and compliant processing.


Data controllers are responsible for complying with the principles and letter of the regulation. Data Controllers are also accountable for their processing and must demonstrate their compliance. This is set out in the new accountability principle.


The full version of the seven principles gives more detail about the principles and their application.

Those expressions, which we are using in this information, understandable as the EU Basic Privacy policy (EU) 2016/679 GDPR, and the right of self-determination and the infromation freedom 2011. CXII law.


You can read more about the rights with your pesonal datas here:


The remedies possibilities of the touched person:

With your personal data treated in case of any infringements you can have complain by the  National Data Protection or by the National Laws of the Member States.

National data protection:

1125 Budapest,Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C Tel./fax:+36(1) 391-1400 Web: http:/

8.      Lifetime warranty

The lifetime warranty is all of the lambskin coats and vests, which has branded by The Parti Szőrme Kft and the price is above  50.000Huf(with tax),which can be found on the price tag  and on our website. If the product faild(rent,seam,come undone)because of the fail material or by the producing dued to human error, the Parti Szőrme Ltd will fix or change  the given leather part.

For this please get in contact with us:


Address:5440,Kunszentmárton,Vörösmarety utca 2,Hungary.

If you do not buy directly from us the product, please get in contact with us for the the more effective administration.  For validate the warranty please give us the gotton invoice.

The warranty do not extend to the following:

·          not under normal conditions of use

·          other products which do not named above

·         by the exterior violent effect . The product cut out violent because it was jam or it was poured off by any drinks or food,washed and dried with external implements and because of this the leather burnt

·         exaggeratedly used up product

This warranty only go for repair with amendment only by hungarian addresses our company assume the delivery fees- We send the transfer men the given address and the possible shortest time with consulting the customer we send it back.

By the national addresses the customer must pay the delivery fees.

The warranty do not cover to change the product or the redemption of the purchase price.

Important:before you use the product, please read the instruction and get information on our websiteabout the product. If you have any request contact us via e-mail or phone.

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