General terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions-Parti Szőrme Kft


1.      Preambulum

Welcome on our page! Thank you for your shopping!


The operator of the page is the Parti Szőrme limited liability company.


We inform you, if you order products on our website, the content of the upcoming contract between us-by the instruction of the  binding legislationdecided this General Terms and conditions(further GTC).


Accordingly this GTC is including the legals and obligations  between You and the Parti Szőrme Kft, the conditions of the created contract,the term of the compliance,

the condition of the delivery and payment, the rules of the liability and the conditions of  the right of withdrawal. To this present GTC added information and decleration pattern attachments..


Please, before you place your order, read thoughtfully this documents,because if you finalised your order you accept the content of this GTC.


If you have any question with the GTC, using the website, with some products, the procession of the shopping or if you would like to talk your individual request,please, get in contact with us!


2.    Introduction datas, concepts,explanatory provisions



Name:Parti Szőrme Provider and Producer  Limited Liability Company

Seat: 5440,Kunszentmárton,Vörösmarty street 2,Hungary

Address:5440,Kunszentmárton,Vörösmarty str. 2 Hungary

The card file was made by judiciary : Szolnoki Törvényszék registry court

Corporate registration number:16-09-007955

Tax number:13321677-2-16

Delegate: Hürkecz Ferenc László

Phone number:0036306708386




Provider of the space

Name: WebHostIcon space and domain provider Kft

Address: 1081 Budapest, Légszesz str. 4 Hungary

Phone number: 0036305987210


Parties: Seller and Customer together




Consumer: A consumer is the one who purchases the product for his/her own need and uses or consumes it.

Contract of consumer: Consumer contracts are those between traders and consumers, and require agreement from at least two parties.

Website: website, which  is qualified as an instrument between the absents and helping with the communication.

Contract: A contract is an agreement between the saler and the customer that creates an obligation to perform (or not perform) a particular duty. 

Device enabling communication between absent parties: a device that is suitable for making a contract statement in the absence of the parties – in order to conclude a contract.Such a device is, in particular, an addressed or unaddressed form, a standard letter, an advertisement published in a press product with an order form, a catalog, a telephone, a fax machine and a device providing Internet access.

Absent contract: a consumer contract,
which is concluded within the framework of a distance selling system organized for the provision of the product or service according to the contract, without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties in such a way that, in order to conclude the contract, the contracting parties use a device that enables communication between those who are absent only

Product:  offered on the Website,all negotiable movable things placed on the Website and intended for sale, which are the subject of the Contract

Contractor: a person acting in the scope of his profession, independent occupation or business activity

Customer/You: person entering into a contract making a purchase offer via the Website

Warranty: In the case of contracts concluded between the consumer and the business (hereinafter: consumer contract), according to the Civil Code,

a) the guarantee undertaken for the performance of the contract, which the company undertakes voluntarily in addition to or in the absence of its legal obligation for the proper performance of the contract, and
b) the mandatory warranty based on legislation

Applicable legislation
In particular, the following legislation applies to the Agreement:

CLV of 1997. law on consumer protection;

CVIII of 2001 Act on certain issues of electronic commercial services and services related to the information society;

Sun of 2013Act on the Civil Code (PTK);

151/2003. (IX. 22.) Government decree on the mandatory guarantee for certain consumer durables;

Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26) on the detailed rules of contracts between the consumer and the business;

19/2014. (IV. 29) NGM Decree on the procedural rules for managing warranty and guarantee claims for items sold under a contract between a consumer and a business

3.      The scope, acceptance and change of the General Terms and Conditions

The scope, acceptance and change of the General Terms and Conditions
The content of the contract between us is determined – in addition to the

provisions of the relevant binding legislation – by these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) and further information on the website. Accordingly, these Terms and Conditions contain the rights and obligations of you and us,the conditions for the conclusion of the contract, the performance deadlines, the delivery and payment conditions, the liability rules, and the conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal.You are obliged to familiarize yourself with the provisions of these GTC before finalizing your order.
By purchasing through our online store, you accept the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and the Terms and Conditions are fully part of the contract between you and the Seller. The Seller is entitled to change the provisions of these GTC within the framework of the relevant legislation. Please,
to please read the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions before each purchase! Any modification of the General Terms and Conditions is valid from the time it is published on the website. Any changes will not affect the contracts already established (confirmed orders).

3.1.       Acceptance of the GTC

3.2.       The language of the contract

The language of the contract, the form of the contract
The language of the contracts covered by these General Terms and Conditions is Hungarian.

3.3.            Information of the form of the contract

 Contracts falling within the scope of these GTC are not written contracts, they are not filed by the Seller.

3.4.            Prices

Prices are in HUF/EURO and include 27% VAT. The prices are informative, we reserve the right to change prices.


4.      Further consumer information

You are a consumer,if you buy as a private person(natural person) from the saler.

5.    Complaint handling,legal possibilities

5.1.       The consumer can submit consumer objections related to the product or the Seller’s activities at the following contact details:

Phone: +36305258848
Internet address:
The company is obliged to investigate the verbal complaint immediately and remedy it as necessary. If the consumer does not agree with the handling of the complaint, or the immediate investigation of the complaint is not possible, the company is obliged to record the complaint and its position on it without delay,and to hand over a copy of it to the consumer on the spot in case of a verbal complaint made in person.

5.2.       Further legal possibilities
In the case of a verbal complaint communicated by telephone or using other electronic communication services, it must be sent to the consumer within 30 days at the latest – in accordance with the regulations for the response to a written complaint – at the same time as the substantive response. In other respects, he is obliged to act as follows regarding the written complaint.
If the directly applicable legal act of the European Union does not provide otherwise, the company must respond to the written complaint in writing within thirty days of its receipt and take measures to communicate it. A shorter deadline than this can be established by law, and a longer deadline by law.
The company is obliged to justify its position rejecting the complaint. The company must assign a unique identification number to the verbal complaint communicated by telephone or using an electronic communication service.If the complaint is rejected, the business must inform the consumer in writing that according to the nature of the complaint, which authority or conciliation body can initiate the procedure. The information must also include the headquarters, telephone and internet contact details, and mailing address of the competent authority and the conciliation body based on the consumer’s place of residence or stay.
The information must also cover whether the company uses the conciliation board procedure in order to settle the consumer dispute.If any consumer dispute between the Seller and the consumer is not settled during the negotiations, the following legal enforcement options are open to the consumer:
Filing a complaint with the consumer protection authorities. If the consumer notices a violation of his consumer rights, he is entitled to file a complaint with the competent consumer protection authority according to his place of residence. After evaluating the complaint, the authority decides on the conduct of the consumer protection procedure.
The first-level official tasks for consumer protection are carried out by district offices competent according to the consumer’s place of residence, a list of them can be found here:

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Békéltető testület

Address:5000 Szolnok, Verseghy park 8 3.em/306.



Judicial proceeding. The customer is entitled to assert his claim arising from a consumer dispute before the court within the framework of civil proceedings pursuant to the Civil Code of 2013.
Act V of 1952 and Act III of 1952 on the Code of Civil Procedure. according to the provisions of the law.

We inform you that you can file a consumer complaint against us. If we reject your consumer complaint,
you are also entitled to apply to the Conciliation Board that is competent according to your place of residence or residence: the condition for initiating the proceedings of the conciliation board is that the consumer directly attempts to settle the dispute with the concerned business.
Based on the consumer’s request, instead of the competent body, the conciliation body specified in the consumer’s request is responsible for the procedure.

6.Data protection
The online dispute resolution platform is available here:

LXXVI of 1999 on copyright. Act (hereinafter: Law) 1.
Pursuant to § (1), the website is considered a copyrighted work, so all its parts are protected by copyright. The Szt. Based on Section 16 (1), the unauthorized use of graphic and software solutions and computer programs on the website is prohibited, as well as the use of any application with which the website,
or any part thereof may be modified. Any material from the website and its database may be taken, even with the written consent of the right holder, only by referring to the website and indicating the source. The copyright holder: Parti Szőrme  Kft

8.Partial invalidity, code of conduct
If any point of the General Terms and Conditions is legally incomplete or invalid, the other points of the contract will remain in effect and the applicable provisions will apply instead of the invalid or incorrect part.

9.The funcion of digital data, protection measures

The provider hosters ont the website avaibility is above 99,9% in a year. The datas are avaiable on hard discs with technology RAID.If one of the hard disc is damagedf, the server can work with the rest of the discs.The datas are saved regularly, so by any problems the original data system can be restored.

10.The digital data with hardver and softver

The datas on the website are archived on MSSQL and MySQL database. The sensitive datas are archived with encryption.

11.Information about using the website

11.1. Informations about the quality of the products

You can order on our website the products made and traded by the Parti Szőrme Kft. The Seller does not have a code of conduct under the Act on the Prohibition of Unfair Commercial Practices against Consumers.
Information on the essential properties of the products.On the website, we provide information about the essential properties of the products that can be purchased in the descriptions of each product. The data on the product page are informative! The images are sometimes illustrations, the colors do not always correspond to reality!

11.2. Correction of data entry errors – Responsibility for the veracity of the data provided
During the order, you have the opportunity to change the data you entered before finalizing the order (by clicking the back button in the browser, the previous page opens, so the entered data can be corrected even if you have already moved to the next page).
Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the data you provide is entered accurately, as the product will be invoiced and delivered based on the data you provided. With your order, you acknowledge that the Seller is entitled to your incorrect data entry,
to charge you for all damages and costs resulting from inaccurately provided data. The Seller excludes responsibility for performance based on inaccurate data entry. Please note that incorrectly entered e-
e-mail address or the saturation of the storage space belonging to the mailbox may result in the lack of delivery of the confirmation and prevent the conclusion of the contract.

11.3. Procedure in case of incorrect price
It may happen that – e.g. due to a technical error – the website has an incorrect price. In case of an incorrect price, we cannot accept the order (your offer) at the incorrect price,
and we are not obliged to sell the product at an incorrect price. In the event of an offer at an incorrect price, no contract will be formed between us. If you make an offer at an incorrect price, the system will automatically confirm it, but this does not constitute acceptance of the offer on our part.
In the event that you make an offer (order) at the wrong price, the Seller’s employee will draw your attention to the correct price and may offer to conclude the contract at the correct price. You are not obliged to make an offer and conclude a contract at the correct price communicated by the Seller instead of the incorrect price. In this case, no contract is created between the parties.
Use of the website
The process of buying
Selecting the Product

12.The procession of buying

For using the website and buying you don’t have to make registration.

The information ont he website are not offer from the Saler. The present GTC come under the ordered products as you are the offeror and the contract is alive as You give an offer trough the website, which is accepted by the Saler with this present GTC.


12.1. Choosing the product

By clicking on the product categories on the website, you can select the desired product family and the individual products within it. By clicking on each product, you will find the product’s photo, article number, description, and price. In case of purchase, you must pay the price listed on the website.
The products are marked with an illustrated photo. The accessories and decorative elements shown in the photos are not part of the product, unless it is highlighted in the product description. Please note that we are not responsible for any typos or incorrect data! After selecting the Product, you can click on the “Add to Cart” button to add any number of products to the cart without incurring any obligation to purchase or pay, as adding to the cart does not constitute an offer.

12.2. Check the cart

If you place the selected product in the Cart, on the right side up with the text “Cart”. If you do not wish to select more products, click the “Proceed to the basket” button! If you want to see the selected product again or add a new product to the cart, click the “Back to product” button! Here you can remove the selected products from the basket or change the number of the product.

12.3. Enter customer data
Here you can give the delivery and/or invoice address. Please, be sure that you fill all the necessary lines. On our website, you can pay only in Hungary three different way:Cash on delivery, SimplePay bankcard or bank transfering. The ordered product can be delivery by DPD or DHL or Hungarian Post

For abroad you must pay forwards,after the payment was placed we make the delivery. The payment only possible with SimplePay bankcard or bank transfering.The ordered product can be delivery by Dpd or DHL,to the USA only by DHL.

Important: The cash on delivery cash possiblity can be maximum 300.000HUF,paying by bankcard there is no limit.(available only in Hungary)

The cash on delivery payment is 490 HUF (only in Hungary available)

The home-delivery fee is 1.990HUf till ordered 30.000HUF. Above 30.000HUF the delivery fee is free.(ONLY IN HUNGARY)

The delivery fee to another countries.We have 5 different zones with different delivery prices. The system will give the correct delivery price as you select your country. If you live out of the European Union and you would like to order please get in contact with us!In this case the customs duty must be paid from the customer!

Zone 1=25euros/package under 10kg: Germany,Austria,Slovakia,Czech Republic,Poland.Romania,Bulgaria

Zone2=30 euros/package under 10kg : Croatia,Slovenia,Netherland,Belgium

Zone3= 40 euros/package under 10kg:France,Ireland,Sweden,Denmark,Italy

Zone 4=55euros/package under 10 kg Finland, Spain, Greece, Portugal

Zone 5=USA 60euros/package included custom duty fee.Delivery only with DHL!

13. Finalizing the order (making an offer)
If you are convinced that the contents of the basket correspond to the products you want to order, and that your information is correct, you can complete your order by clicking the “SEND ORDER” button.
The information provided on the website does not constitute an offer to conclude a contract on the part of the Seller. In the case of orders falling within the scope of these GTC, you are considered to be the offeror, and the contract is established by the Seller’s acceptance of the offer made by you via the website in accordance with the provisions of these GTC
By pressing the “SEND ORDER” button, you expressly acknowledge that your offer must be considered as made, and that your statement – in the event of confirmation by the Seller in accordance with these GTC – entails a payment obligation.

14.Order processing, contract creation
Within a few minutes, we will send you an automatic confirmation e-mail about the ordered product to the e-mail address provided during the order.
Orders are processed on working days from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
It is also possible to place the order outside of the times indicated as processing the order.If it happens after the end of working hours, it will be processed on the following working day.
General deadline within 1-3 working days from confirmation
We reserve the right to partially or completely reject orders that have already been confirmed.
Partial fulfillment can only take place after consultation with the Customer!
If the purchase price of the product is settled in advance, the amount will be returned to the sender.If you didn’t get any e-mail, please inform us on the e-mail address.

15.Payment methods

15.1.Your payment

The e-mail you receive will included all the payment.

15.2.Payment possibilities

On our website, you can pay  in Hungary three different way:Cash on delivery, SimplePay bankcard or bank transfering.

For abroad you must pay forwards,after the payment was placed we make the delivery. The payment only possible with SimplePay bankcard or bank transfering.

Important: The cash on delivery cash possiblity can be maximum 300.000HUF,paying by bankcard there is no limit.(available in Hungary)

The cash on delivery payment is 490 HUF (only in Hungary available)

The home-delivery fee is 1.990HUf till ordered 30.000HUF. Above 30.000HUF the delivery fee is free.(ONLY IN HUNGARY)

Other countries prices are by 12.3 point.

16.The ordered product receiving-delivery types

16.1.Delivery to your home

The ordered product can be delivery in Hungary by DPD,Hungarian Post and DHL, which can be delivery on workdays between 8-17.If you are not at home on these times, is it better to give as andelivery address your workplace and is it important to give us your phone number,so the express can call you.Is it also important to give us your e-mail address, so you can get information about the departure and the arriving of the package.In Hungary we have shorter termin, but for the foreign countries the deliverytime between 1-3weeks.

The cash on delivery payment is 490 HUF (only in Hungary available)

The home-delivery fee is 1.990HUf till ordered 30.000HUF. Above 30.000HUF the delivery fee is free.(ONLY IN HUNGARY)

 You can follow your package ont he DPD:


If the customer doesn’t receive the package and it comes back to us, then the delivery fee must be paid by the Customer!In this case, the package resending you have possiblity but only with forwards paying.

16.2.Acceptable addresses,countries

By the 12.3 point you can read all the countries. other countries or more than 10kg ordering please contact us.

16.3.Receipt legitimacy

The seller issues a receipt when a sale is made to verify the amount paid by the buyer for the provided product or service


17.         The quality and the quantity object states

The Buyer is obliged to control the quantity and quality of the Product upon arrival to ascertain whether it meets the contracted terms and specifications.

Please, control the package by arriving in front of the delivery man and if you see any damage, ask for the report. Additional claim/complaint without report we do not accept.

As you do not make any complaint by the transmission-takeover,the products on the invoice are completaly given.

After the transmission-takeover you can only live with a quality escuse( undercover mistake) with the products within expiry dates.

Using the delivery product without any problem,missing you are not allowed to transmission the product or paying the product

 18. Completion date
Regarding the order, the general delivery deadline is a maximum of 30 days from the confirmation of the order. This delivery deadline is informative, deviations from it will be indicated by e-mail in all cases. By accepting these general terms and conditions, you acknowledge that
that due to exceeding the specified delivery time, the Seller expressly excludes liability for compensation.

19. Reservation of rights, ownership clause
Some products on our website may have been discontinued. In view of this, we reserve the right to partially or completely reject orders that have already been confirmed.
Partial fulfillment can only take place after consultation with you. If the purchase price of the product is settled in advance, the amount will be returned to you within 14 working days.

I acknowledge the following personal data stored in the user account of Parti Szőrme Kereskedelmi Szolgáltató és Gyártó Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (5440 Kunszentmárton Vörösmarty utca 2) in the user database of will be handed over to OTP Mobil Ltd. and is trusted as data processor. The data transferred by the data controller are the following: Name, email, phone number, billing address, shipping address.)

The nature and purpose of the data processing activity performed by the data processor in the SimplePay Privacy Policy can be found at the following link:

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